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Corneal Reshaping Therapy (GVSS)

Stop searching for "Corneal Specialist Near Me". Bay Family Eye Care is Baltimore's #1 corneal therapy specialist that offers Gentle Vision Shaping System(GVSS).

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Corneal reshaping therapy near me with GVSS technology at Bay Family Eye Care in Elkridge, MD.

Gentle Vision Shaping System (GVSS) - Baltimore, MD

Corneal Reshaping Therapy | Corneal Specialist – Elkridge, MD

Did you know that a retainer-like lense was invented and designed specifically to assist in the correction of vision issues?

These days, everyone knows about how dental retainers can help realign crooked teeth and create a straight smile. Would it surprise you to learn that this type of treatment is available for eyes as well? A vision therapy tool known as the Gentle Vision Shaping System uses specially designed vision retainer lenses to gently and gradually reshape the front surface of the eye (the cornea) to eliminate or reduce nearsightedness (myopia) or astigmatism. These lenses are worn while sleeping and removed each morning, providing clear vision without using glasses or contact lenses! The retainers are comfortable and very easy to care for - and are available through our practice.

Bay Family Eye Care offers a variety of vision related services, including this form of vision therapy. If you’re interested in a a consultation to see if Corneal Reshaping Therapy (via the Gentle Vision Shaping System) is right for you, schedule an appointment online or call (410) 796-4555 today to set up your visit!


FAQs on Corneal Reshaping Therapy:

How Does Corneal Reshaping Therapy Work?

Corneal Reshaping Therapy involves use of the Gentle Vision Shaping System (GVSS). A GVSS features specially designed vision retainer lenses, which gently and gradually reshape the front surface of the eye (the cornea) to eliminate or reduce nearsightedness (myopia) or astigmatism. These lenses are worn overnight and removed during the day - and no worries: they’re comfortable and easy to care for!

Are Vision Retainer Lenses a New Invention?

Yes and no. Attempts to reshape the cornea have been tried since contact lenses were first utilized; however, in the past, the shaping process took an exceptionally long time and often did not deliver satisfactory results. Today, thanks to technological advancements in the diagnostic equipment used to measure the corneal shape and the materials being used to make the vision retainers, modern GVSS lenses are a viable alternative for many nearsighted or astigmatism patients.

What is the Cost of Corneal Reshaping Therapy via GVSS?

The cost of an entire GVSS program will vary, depending on the strength of a patient’s prescription. Costs of GVSS include professional visits for one year and two sets of retainer lenses. After an initial year of visits, most patients see the cost drop to around $300, when they begin to pay for lenses alone. It’s important to note that health insurance considers both surgical (LAISK) and non-surgical (GVSS) vision improvement to be cosmetic. Therefore your plan will not cover this procedure.

Am I a Potential Candidate for Corneal Reshaping Therapy?

Maybe! However, GVSS will not work for every patient, and needs to be performed in a very exact and meticulous manner. The procedure works best on mild to moderate amount of nearsightedness or astigmatism. More severe cases can have their vision improved, but will still need some additional vision correction in their day-to-day routines.

Additionally, the speed at which treatment occurs varies with each patient; and younger patients often respond more quickly and positively than older patients. Because there are so many variables to consider, we recommend discussing this type of therapy and what to expect with your doctor. 

At Bay Family Eye Care, our job as your eye doctor and care team is to evaluate your condition, determine whether or not you would benefit from this type of care, and guide you through the therapeutic process. If you are interested in this type of procedure, contact us to schedule a consultation and to learn about how it could potentially benefit you. You can schedule an appointment online or call (410) 796-4555 today to set up your visit!